Open Mind (3) Workbook with Audio CD-1片好用嗎
Open Mind (3) Workbook with Audio CD-1片好用嗎是一本符合教學所需的教科書
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Open Mind (3) Workbook with Audio CD-1片好用嗎曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
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專業教科書Open Mind (3) Workbook with Audio CD-1片好用嗎全書的內容大意
內容簡介: 博客來網路書店Visit:
mindOnline for students:
* Interactive supplementary materials
*博客來書店 Interactive word lists
* Extra reading activities
* Viewpoints video
Open Mind is a four-level series in American English, taking students from complete beginners up to intermediate learners of English and provides learners with language essentials, life skills and learner development to ensure that they are fully prepared and empowered to function effectively within our globalised world.
The Open Mind Workbook is an ideal source of activities to practice the material taught in the Student's Book. In addition, it offers an excit博客來ing selection of personalized activities and learner development strategies. It is accompanied with its own Audio CD.
The Open Mind Teacher’s Edition offers practical and insightful procedural notes, accompanied by an array of exciting features to help you organize and present the Student Book material in a memorable way. It also comes with a Student Book answer key, audio scripts and CEF competencies for each level.
Open Mind is supported by a website for students and teachers: It provides numerous additional resources for both students and teachers. Interactive activities, downloadable worksheets, and a host of other materials help learners improve their English, while providing teachers with easy-to-use teaching tools that make Open Mind a more flexible and engaging program.
Open Mind is so much more than a textbook – it empowers you to make your mark on the world!
早上十點以前搞定工作 | 壓縮時間的66個觀念 | ||
效率管理專家(附2CD,無書) | 時間管理 | ||
有效會議 | 企劃掌上讀 | ||
高效率時間術 | 提高效率 |
- 新功能介紹 作者: Ingrid Wisniewska.Dorothy E. Zemach
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2010/05/25
- 語言:英文
Open Mind (3) Workbook with Audio CD-1片好用嗎
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Open Mind (3) Workbook with Audio CD-1片好用嗎