First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文
First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文是一本符合教學所需的教科書
First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文佳評如潮值得收藏,看完還讓我回味無窮!
First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文誠意推薦給大家看喔!
專業教科書First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文全書的內容大意
內容簡介: This two-level series helps equip working members of the tourism and hospitality industry, or students preparing to enter this field, with both the general and specific language skills they need to use English successfully in the workplace.
博客來Functional language is introduced and practiced in a variety of contexts from within the industry. Through this approach, students learn how to apply the language skills they need to their own situations, whether it be working in a hotel, resort, airline, restaurant, travel agency, or information center, or as a tour guide.The material uses a task-based approach, and focuses on the development of communication skills through a broad range of listening, speaking, and discussion activities, along with realia-based reading and writing tasks where appropriate.Key Features:* Two-color visual glossary for further reinforcement of vocabulary* Personalization ac博客來網路書店tivities for greater fluency* Special focus on pronunciation and intonation, as well as language register and courtesy, including tips on how native speakers speak naturally, and how to speak clearly and smoothly* The” When Cultures Collide” section introduces cultural similarities and differences in relation to unit topics, enabling tourism professionals to lessen guests’ culture shock* Suitable for a variety of class sizes* Two accompanying audio CDs for each level feature native English speakers demonstrating the language from the books with exemplary intonation, pronunciation, and expression* The accompanying “Teachers’ Guides” give step-by-step unit instructions, deeper explanations, an answer key, full audio scripts for the CDs, and extension activities博客來網路書局博客來書店
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Stephen Hall/Troy Blappert
- 編者:Christopher J. O’Brien
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2009/04/09
- 語言:英文
First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文
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世界,為什麼是現在這樣子?:對照地圖、重疊地圖,翻新你對世界的想像 | 美國萬稅:冷眼看美國現象和中國崛起 | ||
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First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文推薦,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文討論,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文比較評比,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文開箱文,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文部落客
First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文那裡買,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文價格,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文特賣會,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文評比,First Class Service (2)- English for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry with CDs-2片開箱文部落客 推薦
MBC TV斥東方衛視《極限挑戰》抄襲:原樣複製《無限挑戰》
MBC TV綜藝部怒斥東方衛視綜藝節目《極限挑戰》抄襲了綜藝節目《無限挑戰》。
MBC TV綜藝部指出,東方衛視這檔從6月14日開播的綜藝節目不僅從名字上就跟《無限挑戰》極其相似,內容上更是近乎原樣複製。目前為止播出的《極限挑戰》,基本上就是把《無限挑戰》最有話題性的幾期節目做成了中國版,例如「來抓我吧(169期)」、「拿著錢包逃跑吧(110期)」、「極限打工(406期)」、「越獄吧青春痘(158期)」。觀眾看到《極限挑戰》之後也懷疑是抄襲了《無限挑戰》。
據分析,韓國綜藝節目模式輸出到中國,帶動了中國內韓流市場的發展,但部分電視臺過於明顯地抄襲韓國代表性綜藝節目,恐怕難以形成積極的影響。而這些抄襲節目中還不乏從韓國找來的工作人員,更是令人心痛,急需拿出相應對策。李炫永/文 版權所有 韓星網 禁止轉載